www.solaredge.us CO M M U N IC AT IO N Commercial Gateway SE1000-CCG-G-S1 All-in-one communication gateway Wireless connections including optional WiFi, Zigbee and GSM plug-ins Environmental sensors support Power reduction interface Electricity meter reader Non-SolarEdge inverter data loggers Easy installation - DIN rail and wall mount POWER Power Supply - Wall Mount Included, 100-240VAC, EU/UK/…
CO M M UN ICATIO N Commercial Gateway SE1000-CCG-G-S1 solaredge.com All-in-one communication gateway Expands the SolarEdge system’s monitoring and control capabilities Connects to third-party data loggers Supports a variety of environmental sensors including temperature, irradiance, and wind Easy installation via DIN rail or wall mount Wireless connectivity including optional Wi-Fi, cellular, and…